
In a global economy that is multiplying environmental indicators, Sia Partners has tackled both internal and external challenges to assess and reduce GHG emissions. Based on international standards and methodologies such as ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, we developed our own carbon footprint platform.

You will find below the whole scope of this assesment:

How to use this bot :

The functioning of the Carbon Footprint bot is the following for all five tabs:
  1. Sia & Sources of emission
    This tab displays all data related to the activities of registered Sia sites (indicated on the map) over the previous years. Six main groups of source cover those various consumptions: services and consumables, long-term purchases, trips, waste and stationary energy. Some filters may apply such as site, year and source
  2. Emissions overview
    Calculated from the previous data with the appropriate emission factor, you will find here the environmental weight for the same activities, in kg of carbon dioxide equivalent. Global figures are also indicated in order to compare the sites based on the number of employees.
  3. Dashboard Synthesis
    All graphics and visualizations appear here including the yearly evolution of emissions, and their share per site, scope and group.
  4. Site Comparison
    This part is meant to compare sites, in order to get a good grasp of the best practices among Sia premises.
  5. Simulator
    That last functional module will make you the manager of Sia carbon footprint by choosing standard scenarios or fine-tuning specific initiatives that impact our emissions. After having set 2030 targets for major drivers (such as teleworking or use of public transportation), you will be able to analyse the environmental benefits of different scenarios versus business as usual.